Legal Notice :
This website is published by :
HUMEXPO SAS (Société par actions simplifiée) which Head Office is located at 576 Avenue de Grasse - 83300 Draguignan, France.
SIRET : 537 478 620 00017
RCS : Draguignan 537 478 620
Code APE : 7112B
VAT : FR FR22537478620
Phone : +33 (0)4 94 84 99 72
Email address :
Publishing Director : Isabelle THOUVENIN
Website Responsible : Isabelle THOUVENIN
This website is hosted by :
Regicom Webformance, SAS with capital of 150 000 € which Head Office is located 36-40 Rue Raspail, 92300, LEVALLOIS PERRET, France.
RCS Nanterre 525 312 294
Code APE: 7311Z
Phone: 0 811 69 69 77
Terms of Service
Art. 1 Terms of Use
Any person accessing the website (thereafter the « Site ») commits to conform to these Terms of Service, which could be completed by specific conditions for some of them
HUMEXPO reserves the right to modify and update the access to the Site at any time, including these Terms of Use. Those changes and updates are imposed on the User who has then to refer regularly to this section in order to check the current Terms of Use.
Art. 2 Personal Data and Other Data
2.1 Data are exclusively intended to HUMEXPO for surveys, analyses, institutional communications, operations related to customer management, or if you agree, commercial proposals. This information is confidential and retained by HUMEXPO. In agreement with the law «Informatique et Libertés » date 06 January 1978 and updated through GDPR since 01 June 2019, you can access, rectify, ask for deletion of those data, as well as you can oppose the processing of those data, sending a mail to the following address: 576 Avenue de Grasse - 83300 Draguignan - France or an email to this address:
Your requests should be signed and come along with a copy of an identity document with the holder signature. The request will have to specify the address where a response has to be sent.
If you accepted in our forms to receive information and commercial offers from our company, you will be able to revise your decision, either clicking on the link for this in related emails or sending an email with the subject « unscribing » to the following email address:
2.2 In agreement with Article 6 of the French Law 2004-575 dated 21 June 2004 (transposing the EU Directive 2000/31/EC dated 08 June 2000), for the confidence in electronic commerce, the host will keep your connection data, covered by professional secrecy and processed in agreement with legal rules for personal data.
Art. 3 Hyperlinks
If you wish to set up a hyperlink to our Site, you should contact the Responsible of the Site. HUMEXPO cannot be considered to be responsible of the content of websites having a hyperlink to the Site.
Art. 4 Cookies
While browsing the Site, cookies are introduced into your computer. A cookie does not allow identifying you: however it is able to register information related to browsing from your computer on the Site (visited pages, date and hour of browsing, etc.) that we will be able to see during further connections. The duration of conservation of this information in your computer is 6 months.
In addition, the Site uses Google Analytics, an analytical service of Internet site supplied by Google Inc. (hereafter « Google »). Google Analytics uses cookies to help HUMEXPO and its Site host to analyse the Site use by users. The data generated by cookies and related to your Site use (including your IP address) will be transferred and stored by Google on servers located in the United States. Google will use this information to evaluate your use of the Site, to compile reports on the Site activity to HUMEXPO and its website host and to supply other services related to the Site activity and the Internet use. Google can communicate those data to third parties for legal obligation or when these third parties process the data for Google, including HUMEXPO, publishing the Site, and the host. Google will not cross-check your IP address with any other data held by Google. Using the Site, you explicitly consent to the processing of your nominative data by Google under the conditions and for the purposes described above.
We inform you that you can contest cookies registration configuring your browser as follows:
For Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.0 and next:
- In the menu bar, choose Tools;
- In the pulldown list, choose Internet options;
- Click on Confidentiality;
- Click on the Advanced button in the parameters section;
- In the window Advanced confidentiality parameters check that the option Ignore automatic processing of cookies is not selected.
For Firefox from version 12 :
- In the menu bar, choose Tools;
- In the pulldown list, choose Options;
- Click on icon Privacy;
- Click on the link Delete specific cookies;
- In the window Cookies, click on button Delete all cookies.
For Google Chrome :
- Click on icon Customize and configure Google Chrome;
- Choose in the list of Parameters;
- Click on Show advanced parameters...;
- Click on button Parameters of content;
- Click on button Cookies and site data...;
- Click on button Delete all.
We inform you that access to some services and sections on the Site may nevertheless be altered or perhaps impossible due to deletion of cookies.
Art. 5 Site Content
HUMEXPO, the Site host, and more generally, any company contributing to the design, setup and putting online of the Site make all efforts to ensure the accuracy and regular update of the information released on the Site. HUMEXPO and the above cited service providers reserve the right to correct or modify the content of the Site at any time without their responsibility is engaged on this fact, HUMEXPO being able to bring at any time improvements and/or changes to services described on the Site.
Art. 6 Obviously Illicit Content
In agreement with the French Law 2004-575 dated 21 June 2004, you can alert the host about the presence of a content you consider as illicit filling the form formulaire téléchargeable (click on the link). The host will assess the illicit nature of the contents brought to its attention.
The fact, for any person, to present a content or an activity as being illicit with the purpose to obtain the removal or interruption of distribution, when he/she knows this information is wrong, is punished by one year of imprisonment and €15,000 of penalty.
Art. 7 Applicable Law
Those Terms of Service are subject to French Law.